Online Ticketing Information
Access to festival screenings and the public talks of Berlinale Talents for holders of a Festival, Student or Press Accreditation can only be granted upon prior booking of a ticket via the online ticket shop for accredited visitors linked to the accreditation badge.
There will be free seating.
General Rules for Online Ticketing
- Only holders of a paid-for or free-of-charge Festival, Student or Press Accreditation (that includes access to cinemas) or the Generation Badge - 14plus have access to online ticketing. Accredited persons who have only purchased a Market Badge do not have access to online ticketing.
- To ensure a smooth process, please pay the accreditation fee by January 30, 2024. Later payment may lead to a delay in the provision of access to the online ticket shop for accredited visitors.
- It is only possible to book tickets via the online ticket shop for accredited visitors, not via the programme pages on
- It is not possible to guarantee tickets for a specific screening nor a specific number of tickets.
- Tickets for accredited visitors are issued on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Tickets for both festival screenings and the public talks of Berlinale Talents can be booked in the online ticket shop for accredited visitors. Free-of-charge tickets can be booked for the whole festival period. Tickets for the Opening Gala and the Awards Ceremony in the Berlinale Palast and for Berlinale Goes Kiez screenings are not available in the online ticket shop for accredited visitors.
- People with a Press Accreditation must also book tickets for press screenings (free seating). Access to press conferences is granted upon presentation of the accreditation badge.
- Industry professionals with a Festival Accreditation have the opportunity to book leftover tickets for selected press screenings at the Berlinale Palast as well as for selected press screenings at CinemaxX.
- Accredited persons under the age of 18 and Generation Badge - 14plus holders can only book tickets for festival events in the Generation section.
Access to the Online Ticket Shop for Accredited Visitors
- The email address used to log in to your Berlinale account also serves as the login for the online ticket shop for accredited persons. Your personal login to the online ticket shop will be activated approximately one week before the start of the Berlinale. Activation will only take place once the fee for the respective accreditation has been paid. Accreditation fees should be paid by January 30, 2025 at the latest to avoid delays in activating the login.
- The first time you log in, a new password must be generated using the “Set / Forgot password” function. An email will be sent containing a “Set / Change password” link. You can use this link to set a password and continue logging in.
- All tickets booked online will be sent to this email address.
Booking of Tickets for Accredited Visitors
- Starting from February 12, tickets for all events taking place two days later will be released for accredited visitors every day at 7.30 am (CET). (On February 12 at 7.30 am, the tickets for all events on Thursday, February 13 and Friday, February 14 will be released. On Thursday, February 13 at 7.30 am, the tickets for Saturday, February 15 will be released.)
- The press screenings of the opening film Das Licht (The Light) will take place the evening before the festival, February 12, at 7.30 pm in CinemaxX 1-4 and and 9.00 pm in CinemaxX 5-10. Tickets for these two screenings will be released on Tuesday, February 11 at 12.00 pm. There will be another press screening on the opening day, February 13, at 11.30 am in Stage Bluemax Theater. Tickets for this screening will be released on Wednesday, February 12 at 7.30 am.
- In the online ticket shop for accredited visitors, events can be filtered using the following criteria: date, day of the week, venue and availability for booking.
- The booked tickets will be sent to the email address saved in the ticketing system in the following form:
- TicketDirect, PDF ticket for self-printout (print@home)
- QR code in the email
- Wallet tickets for iOS© and Android© smartphones
- An overview of events for which you have booked tickets can be found under the menu item “My Orders and Cancellation”. Booked tickets can be sent to you again by email at any time.
- Tickets for events marked with "preview” will be made available at the next time quotas of tickets are released (see above).
- It is possible that tickets for events marked as “sold out” may be available again later on. Changes in quotas and cancellations of tickets that have already been booked by other accredited visitors mean that tickets are re-released on a continual basis.
Booking Rules and the Obligation to Cancel
- A maximum of one ticket per screening, film and 90-minute time slot may be booked.
- Tickets for press screenings can be booked until just before the start of the film.
- Tickets for public screenings need to be booked online up to 60 minutes at the very latest before film start.
- Accredited visitors may not allow tickets to go unused. Tickets that have already been booked but cannot be used must be cancelled via “My Orders and Cancellations” no later than 60 minutes (for press screenings 30 minutes) before the event begins.
- Cancelled tickets will be returned to the quota of tickets for accredited visitors, so they can be booked by other accredited visitors.
- In case of an accredited visitor letting more than two tickets go unused, the festival reserves the right to cancel tickets that have already been booked and/or to block that person’s access to the online ticket shop.
- Tickets may not be given or sold to other persons.
Access to Cinemas
- Free-of-charge tickets are personalised and only valid in combination with the accreditation badge.
- No admission after the start of the screening.
Film Selection
- The festival programme can be found at The programme remains the central tool for obtaining information about the films of the festival and the public talks of Berlinale Talents.
- The complete programme can be filtered by venue, country, starting time and date.
- You can put together your own individual programme on the Berlinale website by using “My Favourites”. Nevertheless, you will need to use the separate online ticket shop for accredited visitors to book your tickets.
Press Conferences
For Press Conferences the presentation of the accreditation badge alone is sufficient.
Photo Calls
Photographers: Access to the Photo Calls is only possible for accredited photographers upon presentation of their accreditation card. The placements (by agency/medium) will be announced by email shortly before the start of the festival.
Access to Press Conferences is strictly limited for photographers. Free places will be allocated according to availability. Access can't be guaranteed.
Camera crews: There is a limited amount of standing room available for camera crews at Press Conferences. These places are allocated according to availability on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no guarantee of access for camera crews. The festival provides pool material.
Pressline: Registration
The Press Office will provide all accredited TV journalists and photographers with information about standing positions at the Red Carpet (press lines) by email in good time before the festival.
If you encounter any problems regarding the login to the online ticket shop for accredited visitors or when booking tickets, please contact the Web Support: