Video & Audio Material

Electronic Press Kits

Film clips and electronic press kits for festival films from all sections will be available for download free of charge from late January 2025 until shortly after the end of the festival. To request access data, please contact .

Footage from the Festival

Pool material

Pool material of footage from the Red Carpet at the Berlinale Palast is only available until shortly after the end of the festival. Rough cuts from Press Conferences, Photo Calls and selected gala events are also available at fixed rates.

Terms of use

a. as licensed material:

  • Distributors and producers can obtain the live recordings of the Press Conferences for their films in QuickTime format (H.264) for free, e.g. for use as bonus material for a DVD production of the film, or for press work.
  • A license agreement must be signed prior to sending the material.

b. for up-to-date media coverage:

  • TV channels and radio stations can use the material for their own Berlinale coverage royalty-free.

For the use and licensing of footage and live recordings please contact .

Audio Material

Audio recordings of the Press Conferences and the Award Ceremony are available to radio journalists free of charge for Berlinale coverage from the beginning of the festival until March 24. The audio files will be available in the original language, as well as English and German translations, as mono mp3 recordings.

Audio recordings