Welcome to the Accreditation
We are looking forward to welcoming you in person to the 75th Berlin International Film Festival (February 13-23, 2025). Parallel to the festival the industry events of the European Film Market (February 13-19, 2025), the Berlinale Co-Production Market (February 15-19, 2025), Berlinale Talents (February 15-20, 2025) and the World Cinema Fund will take place.
As an industry professional, you can apply for Festival Accreditation and/or a Market Badge. It is also possible to apply for an Online Market Badge. Students can request a Student Accreditation via their university.
Further detailed information on Accreditation can be found in the FAQ and on the respective pages for
Professionals & EFMStudentsPress
Before applying, you have to agree to the Berlinale & EFM Participation Guidelines.
Please note that there are separate application procedures for full participation in the Berlinale Co-Production Market, in the World Cinema Fund and as a Talent at Berlinale Talents.
Accreditation -
Please log in
Please note:
Due to a database changeover, it is no longer possible to log in with an account from previous Berlinale editions. Please create a new account.
Please use a personalised email address (and not a general address such as info@... or mail@...) because this email address will be stored as a contact for your Berlinale services (e.g. the online ticketing). It is not possible to use a single email address for multiple accounts. Login takes place via the email address attached to the account.