Legal Notice

Berlin International Film Festival
Potsdamer Platz 11
10785 Berlin
phone +49 30 25920-0

A division of Kulturveranstaltungen des Bundes in Berlin GmbH (About this Site)
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Despite careful scrutiny, the editors do not guarantee the correctness, relevance or completeness of the information published on this website. In the case of material or non-material damages resulting from the use of the offered information, absolutely no liability claims directed at the editors are to be asserted. The editors reserve the right to change the website in its entirety or in part without notice, or to stop publishing entirely.
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EMAS - Eco-management and audit scheme

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Responsible according to § 18 Abs. 2 MStV:
Head of Communication
Anne Marburger

Edited by
Simon Kleinschmidt
André Grzeszyk
Alicia Breitfeld
Susan Engels

Johannes Kratzsch
Nike Wilhelms

Iris von Volckamer

Concept & Implementation
André Grzeszyk
Simon Kleinschmidt
Iris von Volckamer
Pamela Weiss

Design & layout & technical implementation
interactive tools GmbH - Agentur für digitale Medien


The Berlin International Film Festival is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

All Rights © Berlin International Film Festival
Potsdamer Platz 11
10785 Berlin

Content is subject to change