Badge Pick Up
Badge Collection for In-Person Visitors
From one week before the festival, accredited visitors will be emailed their badge pick-up document containing all the information about the collection location and opening times of their accreditation counter.
From Tuesday, February 13, 2024 until Friday, February 23, 2024, accredited visitors who have completed the accreditation process (including online payment) can pick up their physical badge (Market Badge, Festival or Student Accreditation) at the Berlinale Service Centre on Potsdamer Platz (Theaterufer, 10785 Berlin).
Students must show a valid student ID when picking up their badge.
Even if you use your festival or student accreditation exclusively to book online tickets for festival screenings, you must still present your physical accreditation badge in addition to your online ticket when entering the cinemas.
Accessibility Badge Pick-Up
People who are unable to stand in a queue for a long time due to non-visible/visible disabilities or psychological or physical conditions, have the option (without prior arrangement) to pick up their accreditation at the Accessibility Badge Pick-Up. You can find further information about this subject on the Accessibility for Accredited Visitors and the Berlinale Inclusion web pages.
Applying for an (Online) Market Badge once the festival has begun
It is not possible to apply for an accreditation in person at the Berlinale Service Centre. Subject to availability, industry professionals can apply here for an (Online) Market Badge until the end of the European Film Market. Please note: last minute online payment can result in delays of up to 24 hours when collecting your badge.
EFM Day Pass
The EFM grants access to the EFM stands in the Gropius Bau and the Marriott Hotel for a single market day. The Day Pass is subject to availability and can only be purchased for the current day at the Access Container outside the Gropius Bau (not at the Berlinale Service Centre).
Berlinale Service Centre
Opening hours
First Festival Week
Tuesday, Feb 13, 12.00 - 7.30 pm (12.00 noon - 2.30 pm: EFM Exhibitors only)
Wednesday, Feb 14, 9.00 am - 7.30 pm
Thursday & Friday, Feb 15 & 16, 8.30 am - 7.00 pm
Saturday & Sunday, Feb 17 & 18, 9.00 am - 7.00 pm
Second Festival Week
Monday - Friday, Feb 19 - 23, 9.00 am - 6.00 pm
Saturday, Feb 24, Badge Pick Up closed