Film Submission FAQ

You can find detailed information on the submission at any time under the Guidelines menu item. Information on Selection Screeners and Festival Media can be found in the “Tech Specs” section. You can find answers to the most frequently asked questions here. However, only the current Guidelines and Technical Specifications as mentioned above serve as the binding reference.


What are the submission deadlines?
The deadline for registering a feature-length film is November 4, 2024, for short films it is November 13, 2024. The selection screener must also be provided within the respective deadline.

How do I submit my film to Berlinale?
You need to register your film by completing the film application form. Afterwards, you can upload the film via the website into the Berlinale Media Service.

May I submit more than one film?
Yes, you may submit more than one film but you will need to complete the application form for each film individually.

Do you accept documentaries? For which sections?
Documentaries are presented in the sections Competition, Panorama, Generation, Berlinale Shorts, Forum and Forum Expanded. In the section Perspectives – a competition for feature film debuts – hybrid films with documentary elements are accepted, provided that the narrative component predominates and the film is officially submitted as a fiction film.

May I apply to more than one section with only one application?
Yes, you can submit to multiple sections with only one application, but check the guidelines of the respective sections to make sure that your film is eligible.

For which sections can I submit short films?
Short films can be be submitted to Berlinale Shorts (max. 30') and to Generation (max. 20').

Where can I submit a film to the European Film Market?
If you want to submit a film to the European Film Market please use the EFM Film Entry.

I have already registered my film but want to apply for an additional section. Do I need to fill in another application form?
No, please contact the until the respective submission deadline either by sending an email or by using the respective link under My Film Entry. They will add the section to your application.

I would like to add/correct the information given in my application. How can I do that?
Please send the updated information, by stating the title of the film and your application number, either per email to the or by using the corresponding link under My Film Entry.

Do you accept re-submissions?
No, the Berlinale does not accept films that have already been considered for past Berlinale editions.

Can I submit through “Withoutabox” or “FilmFreeway”?
No, you can only submit directly via the according form on the Berlinale website.

Are the Berlin Independent Film Festival and/or the Woche der Kritik (Berlin Critic’s Week) part of the Berlinale?
No, both are festivals on their own. They are not connected to the Berlinale programme.

Do I get a confirmation on the submission of my film?
Yes, you will get a confirmation by email.

Selection Screener

My selection screener is in a technical format that is not mentioned on your list of accepted screening formats for selection. What can I do? Can I send it nonetheless?
No, please do not send selection screeners in technical formats that do not comply with the accepted formats. The accepted formats are: upload via My Film Entry (mp4 format - H.264, AAC, Stereo) as well as DCP in exceptional cases. An additional handling fee of 200 euro (7 % VAT included) will be charged when submitting a DCP for selection purposes.

If your film is available only in a different format (e. g. Blu-ray, HDCAM, QT ProRes file), please convert it into one of the two accepted technical formats before you submit it. See Technical Specifications for Selection Screeners. If you have any additional technical questions, please contact the Berlinale .

May I send a link (e. g. Vimeo) as selection screener?
No. The Berlinale works with neither Vimeo nor any other external streaming links during film selection, but exclusively uses her proprietary internal streaming system for selection screenings instead. But you can take the same data file that is provided on the Vimeo platform and upload it as your selection screener onto Berlinale's internal online streaming service during the online film application or later on via My Film Entry.

Do you accept trailers for selection purposes?
No, the Berlinale does not accept any trailers for selection purposes but only accepts complete versions of the registered films.

Do you accept rough cuts/works in progress for selection?
The film version that is submitted should at least have reached the stage of picture lock. In such cases, it is recommend that the film be preceded by an onscreen caption stating which post-production work is still to be completed. Rough cuts are accepted only in rare and exceptional cases. If in doubt, please get in touch with either the festival’s or with the section(s) you are submitting to.

Can I send an updated version of my selection screener at a later date?
No, please do not send any updated version(s) of your already submitted selection screener – unless the festival explicitly asks you for it.

Do you need a subtitled version for the selection screenings?
Yes, the Berlinale requests an English subtitled version for the selection screenings (except if the film’s original version is English).

When do I have to send/upload my film?
The selection screener of your film should be received by the festival within the aforementioned respective deadlines (November 4, 2024 / November 13, 2024).


What is meant by country of origin/of production?
The film’s country of origin/production is determined by the registered office address of the main production company and does by no means refer to the country where the film was shot. In case there are several (co-) producing companies, they have to be listed with their registered offices as well.

In case of international co-productions the main country of production will be considered as country of origin.

What is the meaning of premiere status?

World premiere The film has never been shown anywhere publicly.
Eligible for all sections
International premiere The film has only been released theatrically or presented in its country of origin, but nowhere else.
Eligible for all sections

Please note: This does not apply to German films. They may not be presented in Germany neither in cinemas nor at festivals.
European premiere The film has already been shown or theatrically released outside of Europe, but never been presented in a European country. (A theatrical release or a presentation in the country of origin is permitted with the exception of Germany.)
Eligible for Panorama, Generation, Forum
German premiere The film has never been shown publicly in Germany, but was presented in another European country outside its country of origin.
In this case, it will not be eligible for any of the Berlinale sections.
No premiere The film has been presented/theatrically released internationally including Germany.
In this case, it will not be eligible for any of the Berlinale sections

Please note: German productions and co-productions have to be world premieres in order to be eligible for Competition, Perspectives and Berlinale Shorts. For Panorama, Generation and Forum a European premiere is required. Films may neither have been presented in Europe nor in Germany beforehand (no presentation at any festival/online festival, no release, no public presentation in any form in Germany beforehand).

My film has been presented at an online festival. Is it still eligible?
For the sections Competition, Perspectives and Berlinale Shorts, films must not have previously been presented online or as VOD; this also includes online festivals. Previous participation in an online festival is only permitted for films in the Panorama, Generation and Forum sections if the streaming of the film was only available in its country of origin (i.e. with geo-blocking). Please note the special regulation for German films: German films are not permitted to have been presented in any online festival before the Berlinale.

May I still submit my film even though it has been broadcast on television?
If the film was broadcast only in its country of origin and nowhere else, it is still eligible for Panorama, Generation and Forum. Neither Competition, Perspectives, nor Berlinale Shorts accept films with previous TV broadcasts.

May I still submit my film even though it has previously been published on the internet?
If the film’s availability on the internet was restricted to the country of the film’s origin, it may still apply for Panorama, Generation and Forum. Neither Competition, Perspectives nor Berlinale Shorts accept films that have been available on the internet or via VOD.

My film has already been released on DVD or Blu-ray. May I still submit it?
No, it is then no longer eligible for any of the Berlinale’s sections.

A trailer of my film is already available on the internet. Is the film still eligible?
Yes, it is. A trailer does not present any breach of our regulations.

What is the maximum duration for short films?
Duration limits differ from section to section: the maximum duration for films in the Berlinale Shorts competition is 30 minutes, for Generation 20 minutes.

If you have any further questions regarding the eligibility of your film, please contact the festival’s via email.

Processing fee

What is the fee for processing a film submission?
The processing fee for feature-length films is 175 euros, for short films 75 euros, no matter for how many sections you apply. Please check the correct currency exchange rate with your bank and note that debit cards are not accepted.

Are there any early bird discounts or additional late fees?
No, for films applying for the festival programme, there are no early bird discounts/late fees.

Will I get the processing fee refunded if it turns out that my film is not eligible?
No, you cannot get a refund in case your film is not eligible. Therefore, please carefully check the guidelines of the section(s) if the film is eligible or not prior to submitting the film!

Can I get a refund in case the festival does not take place?
The fee is requested to cover administrative costs and will not be reimbursed under any circumstance.

I am having trouble paying with my credit card. What might be the problem?
Please note that your credit card must be authorised to make online payments (with 3D secure authentication). Prepaid or debit cards are not accepted.
Ensure that your browser is not blocking pop-up windows. Ideally, you should use the latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Please do not refresh the webpage for around 1 minute during the payment process and do not repeatedly press the “Pay” button. You may experience some delay during payment, especially for international transactions.
If you continue to encounter problems during your credit card payment, please email the festival’s team.

I neither own a credit card nor do I have a PayPal account. What can I do?
Please get in touch with the via email. They will arrange for you to pay via wire transfer.

I’m a student. What are the special conditions?
It is possible to submit up to ten short films for 250 euros and/or up to six feature films for 350 euros. Queries about collective submissions can only be made by the responsible film school employee to the Berlinale’s via email. Unfortunately, no discounts can be granted for individual submission by students.

I want to submit my film to more than one section. Do I have to pay a processing fee for each single section?
No, for each film the processing fee is payable only once, regardless of the number of sections it is submitted to. See also “General”.

Decisions and notifications

When will I be notified of the Berlinale’s decision regarding my film?
Please do understand, that selection is a very careful and sensitive process which needs time. The selection result will be communicated as soon as possible, at the latest by the beginning of 2025.

In case of urgency – e. g. invitation(s) to (an)other festivaI(s) –, please get in touch with the or the section(s) you are submitting the film to in time(!), and they will do their best to deliver an earlier decision.

How will I be informed about the decision?
As soon as the decision has been made by all the sections involved, the official submitter of the film(s) is informed by email. Since everyone submitting a film generally wants to receive the result as quickly as possible within a very short timeframe, rejections are usually sent in the form of a standardised notification.

If my film is not selected, may I get an explanation on the decision or any other feedback?
Please understand that the Berlinale cannot provide individual comments on their decisions as the choice of films ultimately selected has been the subject of detailed discussions under manifold criteria.

If your film gets selected

If my film is selected, when do you need the festival version?
The film’s version for presentation in the festival should arrive at the Berlinale Film Office no later than by January 29, 2025. During January/February 2025, however, some sections of the festival (except Competition) will be offering advanced press screenings of selected films in their programmes, and it may therefore become necessary for you to provide the final version of your film some time before the above mentioned deadline. Please coordinate delivery dates directly with the section you are invited to.

What kind of subtitles do you request?
In general, non-English language films have to be subtitled in English at least – BUT: Every section has its own policy of subtitles, which can be found in the respective guidelines. In any case, please get in touch with the team of the section your film has been invited into.

Contact Programme Organisation

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phone: +49 30 25920-444

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for technical issues