As Hiper Mulheres (Itão Kuẽgü)
The Hyperwomen

As Hiper Mulheres (Itão Kuẽgü) | The Hyperwomen von Carlos Fausto, Leonardo Sette, Takumã Kuikuro
BRA 2011, NATIVe - Indigenous Cinema
© Takumã Kuikuro

Kanu Kuikuro, Tugupé Kuikuro
As Hiper Mulheres (Itão Kuẽgü) | The Hyperwomen von Carlos Fausto, Leonardo Sette, Takumã Kuikuro
BRA 2011, NATIVe - Indigenous Cinema
© Takumã Kuikuro

Aulá Kuikuro
As Hiper Mulheres (Itão Kuẽgü) | The Hyperwomen von Carlos Fausto, Leonardo Sette, Takumã Kuikuro
BRA 2011, NATIVe - Indigenous Cinema
© Takumã Kuikuro

Carlos Fausto
As Hiper Mulheres (Itão Kuẽgü) | The Hyperwomen von Carlos Fausto, Leonardo Sette, Takumã Kuikuro
BRA 2011, NATIVe - Indigenous Cinema
© Helena Cooper

Leonardo Sette
As Hiper Mulheres (Itão Kuẽgü) | The Hyperwomen von Carlos Fausto, Leonardo Sette, Takumã Kuikuro
BRA 2011, NATIVe - Indigenous Cinema
© Juliana Lapa

Takumã Kuikuro
As Hiper Mulheres (Itão Kuẽgü) | The Hyperwomen von Carlos Fausto, Leonardo Sette, Takumã Kuikuro
BRA 2011, NATIVe - Indigenous Cinema
© Carlos Fausto