Detailed information on the accessibility of the individual venues
Akademie der Künste Arsenal Berlinale Palast CinemaxX City Kino Wedding Colosseum Cubix Delphi Filmpalast E-Werk Filmtheater am Friedrichshain Haus der Berliner Festspiele Haus der Kulturen der Welt HAU1 HAU2 Klick Kino Odeon Silent Green Sinema Transtopia Stage Bluemax Theater Thalia Uber Eats Music Hall Urania Zeiss-Großplanetarium Zoo Palast
Akademie der Künste

Address: Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin
Wheelmap (Access to Weinwirtschaft in same building)
S Bellevue, U Hansaplatz, Bus 106 Bus stop Hansaplatz
Drop off by cab possible
3 accessible parking spots at parking lot close by (Bartningallee)
Distance to main entrance ca. 150 m.
Access to the building:
Access to main entrance in partly restricted for wheelchair users because of uneven pavement
Main entrance below three stairs, accessible via ramp with 5% inclination on the right side of building
Door doesn't open automatically. Staff at ticket counter is within sight, briefed and can assist on request
Access to the screening rooms: Level access
Number of wheelchair spaces: 6 wheelchair spaces in last row
Partly accessible toilet stalls in All Gender Toilets on ground level. Door doesn't open automatically.
Support Handles: foldable support handle on right-hand side. Alarm button available. The mirror is not visible when seated. Soap and towels are difficult to reach.
Contact: The staff on site is briefed and will be happy to help you. For information via telephone please contact +49 30 25920950 (daily 9 am to 6 pm) or send an e-mail to
Kino Arsenal

Address: Arsenal – Institut für Film und Videokunst e.V., Potsdamer Str. 2, 10785 Berlin
Directions: U-Bahn/S-Bahn Potsdamer Platz, Bus M41, M48, M85, 200, 347, drop off by cab in front of building possible
Parking: No parking available
Access to the building:
No stairs or elevated doorstep at main entrance, but a revolving door
Wheelchair-accessible side entrance on the right of the Kinemathek ticket counter, staff assistance required
Access to the screening rooms:
Elevator available
All screening rooms are accessible without stairs
No clearly legible signage leading to the screening rooms
Number of wheelchair spaces:
Kino 1: 2 wheelchair spaces 1. Row (middle and right)
Kino 2: 1 wheelchair space 1. Row (middle)
Toilets only partly accessible: key available at ticket counter or via doorman
Can be opened with the Euro-Key
Limited area for movement in toilet (less than 150 cm x 150 cm in front and less than 90 cm next to toilet)
Door opens outwards and not automatically, hard to open manually
No roll-under sink
No All Gender Toilets
Early Boarding: No Early Boarding available
Contact: The staff on site is briefed and will be happy to help you. For information via telephone please contact +49 30 25920950 (daily 9 am to 6 pm) or send an e-mail to
Berlinale Palast

Address: Berlinale Palast, Marlene-Dietrich-Platz 1, 10785 Berlin
Directions: S/U Potsdamer Platz, no drop off by cab possible
Parking: Parking garage with accessible parking spots at Potsdamer Platz (Ludwig-Beck-Straße, 10785 Berlin)
Access to the building: Accessible via Red Carpet by ramp, Service dogs allowed
Access to the screening rooms:
Accessible by elevator, no staff assistance required
The lift does not have an acoustic announcement of the level reached
Number of wheelchair spaces: 4 wheelchair spaces, 2x last row (left), 2x last row (right)
2 accessible toilets on second level: 1x men's bathroom, 1x women's bathroom
All Gender Toilet on fifth level
Early Boarding:
No Early Boarding possible during Competition premiers and Gala screenings
Early Boarding possible for all press screenings
Contact: The staff on site is briefed and will be happy to help you. For information via telephone please contact +49 30 25920950 (daily 9 am to 6 pm) or send an e-mail to

Address: CinemaxX, Voxstr. 2, 10785 Berlin
Directions: S/U Potsdamer Platz
Parking: Parking garage with accessible parking spots at Potsdamer Platz (Ludwig-Beck-Straße, 10785 Berlin)
Access to the building: Main entrance on ground level, consists of cobblestone/concrete, automatic door opening
Access to the screening rooms: Access to CX 3, CX 7, CX 9 and CX 10 only by elevator, staff assistance required
Number of wheelchair spaces: Wheelchair spaces in last row
CX 1: 2x
CX 2: no wheelchair spaces
CX 3: 2x
CX 4: 2x
CX 5: 2x
CX 6: 2x
CX 7: 3x
CX 8: 2x
CX 9: 2x
CX 10: 2x
CX 11-19: 1x
Toilets: Accessible toilet on ground level and first level, accessible All Gender Toilet on first level
Contact: The staff on site is briefed and will be happy to help you. For information via telephone please contact +49 30 25920950 (daily 9 am to 6 pm) or send an e-mail to
City Kino Wedding

Address: City Kino Wedding, Müllerstrasse 74, 13349 Berlin
U-Bahn Rehberge
Drop off by cab at Centre Français parking lot possible. From there it's a 200m walk to the entrance (paved but uneven)
Parking: Parking at Centre Français parking lot available
Access to the building:
Main entrance accessible by ramps, inclination ca. 2%. Entrance is located in courtyard between Centre Français and the cinema. Courtyrad paved with stone, not concrete. Ramp leads to main entrance.
Door doesn't open automatically
Access to the screening rooms: Level access to screening room possible at lower entrance
The foyer on the first floor is accessible by elevator, with the elevator entrance located in the foyer of the Centre Français.
Number of wheelchair spaces: 2 wheelchair spaces in first row, 1 seat for assistance next to wheelchair spaces, 1 seat for assistance right behind
Toilets only partly accessible: please ask staff for assistance
Door doesn't open automatically, opens inwards
Area of movement in front of toilet and sink (ca. 100 x 100cm)
No alarm button available
No All Gender Toilet
Contact: The staff on site is briefed and will be happy to help you. For information via telephone please contact +49 30 25920950 (daily 9 am to 6 pm) or send an e-mail to

Address: Colosseum, Schönhauser Allee 123, 10437 Berlin
Direction: U/S Bhf. Schönhauser Allee, drop off by cab possible
Parking: No parking available
Access to the building: Level access side entrance on the right of main entrance
Access to the screening rooms: Level access
Number of wheelchair spaces: 2 wheelchair spaces (in row 5 left and right)
Accessible toilets in basement, access by elevator
Key required, please contact staff
No All Gender Toilets
Contact: The staff on site is briefed and will be happy to help you. For information via telephone please contact +49 30 25920950 (daily 9 am to 6 pm) or send an e-mail to

Address: CineStar, Rathausstr. 1, 10178 Berlin
S/U Alexanderplatz
Drop off by cab possible next to the building via Grunerstraße. No drop off possible via Rathausstraße.
Parking: No accessible parking available
Access to the building:
Accessible level access
Door doesn't open automatically
Access to the screening rooms:
Accessible by elevetor
The lift does not have an acoustic announcement of the level reached
Amount of wheelchair spaces:
Kino 5 & 6: 2 wheelchair spaces
Kino 7 & 8: 2 wheelchair spaces
Kino 9: 4 wheelchair spaces
Accessible toilets in basement and on fourth level, next to Kino 9 (accessible by elevator), staff is briefed
All Gender Toilets on second level
Contact: The staff on site is briefed and will be happy to help you. For information via telephone please contact +49 30 25920950 (daily 9 am to 6 pm) or send an e-mail to
Delphi Filmpalast

Address: Delphi-Filmpalast at Zoo Kino, Kantstr. 12A, 10623 Berlin
Directions: S/U, Bus: Zoologischer Garten, drop off by cab possible
Parking: No parking available
Access to the building:
Main entrance not accessible, only by multiple steps
No accessible side entrance, elevator or ramp available
Service dogs not allowed
Access to the screening rooms:
Screening room not level access
No clearly legible signage leading to the screening room
Service dogs not allowed
Number of wheelchair spaces: Not available
Toilets: No accessible toilets, no All Gender Toilets
Contact: The staff on site is briefed and will be happy to help you. For information via telephone please contact +49 30 25920950 (daily 9 am to 6 pm) or send an e-mail to

Details to follow
Access to the building:
Access to the screening rooms:
Number of wheelchair spaces:
Early Boarding:
Filmtheater am Friedrichshain

Address: Filmtheater am Friedrichshain, Bötzowstr. 1-5, 10407 Berlin
Tram Station: Am Friedrichshain, 500m distance to cinema
Bus stop: Am Friedrichshain, 500m distance to cinema
Drop off by cab possible
Parking: 1 accessible parking spot to the right of cinema in Bötzowstraße
Access to the building:
Wheelchair-accessible by elevator in Bötzowstraße (staff assitance required).
Door doesn't open automatically but easy to open manually.
Access to the screening rooms:
Level access. Side entrance leads directly to first row (staff assitance required)
Number of wheelchair spaces: 3 wheelchair spaces
Accessible toilets available, left to the screening room entrance
No All Gender Toilette
Contact: The staff on site is briefed and will be happy to help you. For information via telephone please contact +49 30 25920950 (daily 9 am to 6 pm) or send an e-mail to
Haus der Berliner Festspiele

Address: Haus der Berliner Festspiele, Schaperstr. 24, 10719 Berlin
U Spichernstraße, 500m distance to cinema
Drop off by cab possible
Parking: No accessible parking available
Access to the building:
Accessible entry to foyer, no steps
Door doesn't open automatically
Accessible via main entrance by ramp (fairly steep) or via foyer (staff assistance required)
Some doors can only be opened by staff or security
Access to the screening rooms:
Level access, wheelchair spaces accessible by ramp. The ramp will be removed at the beginning of the screening, no late admission possible.
Number of wheelchair spaces: 4 wheelchair spaces, middle row (left and right)
Accessible toilets on ground level (left), door doesn't open easily
All Gender Toilets on first level and ground level
Contact: The staff on site is briefed and will be happy to help you. For information via telephone please contact +49 30 25920950 (daily 9 am to 6 pm) or send an e-mail to
Haus der Kulturen der Welt

Address: Haus der Kulturen der Welt, John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10, 10557 Berlin
Directions: A floor guidance system leads from the Haus der Kulturen der Welt bus stop (Bus 100) to the main entrance. Drop off by cab possible
Parking: 2 parking spaces are available in the direction of travel on the right-hand side at the start of the building. The way is signposted accordingly
Access to the building:
Outside the entrance, a table with a tactile model offers orientation about the different levels of the building.
Ground level accessible by ramp.
Access to the screening rooms:
MIRIAM MAKEBA (Auditorium): by accessible elevator
SAFI FAYE (former lecture hall): by accessible elevator
Number of wheelchair spaces:
MIRIAM MAKEBA (Auditorium) 8 wheelchair spaces, 2x 4 left and right last row
SAFI FAYE (former lecture hall) no wheelchair spaces available
3 accessible toilets on 2 floors
All Gender Toilets available
Contact: The staff on site is briefed and will be happy to help you. For information via telephone please contact +49 30 25920950 (daily 9 am to 6 pm) or send an e-mail to

Adresse: Stresemannstr. 29, 10963 Berlin
U1 / U3 / U6 Hallesches Tor (tariff area AB)
U1 / U3 / U7 Möckernbrücke (tariff area AB)
Drop off by cab possible
Parking: 2 accessible parking spots in front of building
Access to the building:
Partly accessible. Access to ground level seating only by lift at seperate entrance possible
Box office only accessible via four steps outside of building and three steps with no handrail inside the building
Access to the screening room: Accessible seperate entrance with no stairs or elevated doorstep
Number of wheelchair spaces: 2 wheelchair spaces on ground level
Accessible toilet on ground level
Door doesn't open automatically
All Gender Toilet available
Contact: The staff on site is briefed and will be happy to help you. For information via telephone please contact +49 30 25920950 (daily 9 am to 6 pm) or send an e-mail to

Address: Hallesches Ufer 34
U1 / U3 / U6 Hallesches Tor (tariff area AB)
U1 / U3 / U7 Möckernbrücke (tariff area AB)
Parking: 2 accessible parking spots next to he building (Großbeerenstraße)
Access to the building:
No stairs. Ramp and elevator avalable, no staff assistance required
Door opens automatically
Access to the screening rooms:
Accessible by elevator
No clearly legible signage leading to the screening rooms
Number of wheelchair spaces: 2 wheelchair spaces in front
2 accessible toilets. 1x ground level, 1x second floor via elevator
Accessible toilets are seperate from other toilets
Accessible toilets are All Gender Toilets
Contact: The staff on site is briefed and will be happy to help you. For information via telephone please contact +49 30 25920950 (daily 9 am to 6 pm) or send an e-mail to

Address: KLICK Kino, Windscheidstr. 19, 10627 Berlin
Directions:S Berlin-Charlottenburg, drop off by cab in front of building possible.
Parking: No accessible parking available. Public parking available in neighbourhood.
Access to the building:The cinema entrance is accessible via a mobile ramp, allowing passage over a step of approximately 7 cm. The mobile ramp is located near the door and is positioned by the cinema team. The door has a minimum passage width of 90 cm and doesn't open automatically. The doors open outward.
Access to the screening rooms: Level access.
Number of wheelchair spaces: 1 wheelchair space, row 2 aisle - opposite emergency exit.
Toilets: The toilet is accessible at ground level inside the café. The door has a passage width of 94 cm, opens outward, and does not open automatically. The maneuvering space in front of the sink is 110 cm, and in front of the toilet, it is 80 cm.
Support Handles: foldable support handle on left-hand side, fixed support handle on right-hand side. Soap dispenser and paper towels are accessible while seated. Alarm button available.
All Gender Toilet available.-
Contact: The staff on site is briefed and will be happy to help you. For information via telephone please contact +49 30 25920950 (daily 9 am to 6 pm) or send an e-mail to

Address: Odeon, Hauptstr. 116, 10827 Berlin
Directions: S Schöneberg, drop off by cab only partially possible, as stopping on the bus lane in front of the cinema is only allowed for a very limited duration, the court is approximately 20 meters paved up to the cinema entrance.
Parking: No accessible parking available
Access to the building: The entrance for wheelchair users is located to the left of the stairs, accessible via a doorbell. The cinema staff will assist and guide to the side emergency exit/entrance.
Access to the screening rooms: The screening room is at ground level and can be accessed via the emergency exit at the side of the building.
Number of wheelchair spaces: 4 wheelchair spaces (available upon request), row 8, seat 1 (companion seat 2), row 8, seat 16 (companion seat 15)
Toilets: No accessible toilet at the cinema or in the immediate surrounding area
No All Gender Toilet
Contact:The staff on site is briefed and will be happy to help you. For information via telephone please contact +49 30 25920950 (daily 9 am to 6 pm) or send an e-mail to
Silent Green

Address: Silent Green, Gerichtstraße 35, 13347 Berlin
Directions: U/S Wedding S25, S41 and S42, U6. Bus 120, N6 and N20, drop off by cab possible
Parking: 2 accessible parking spots available
Access to the building:
No stairs or elevated doorstep at main entrance. Cobblestone in front of building
Door doesn't open automatically but easy to open manually
Access to the screening rooms:
No stairs or elevated doorstep, accessible by elevator
No clearly legible signage leading to the screening rooms
Number of wheelchair spaces: 3 wheelchair spaces in first row
2 accessible toilets: 1x entrance area, 1x screening room area
All Gender Toilet available
Early Boarding: No Early Boarding available
Contact: The staff on site is briefed and will be happy to help you. For information via telephone please contact +49 30 25920950 (daily 9 am to 6 pm) or send an e-mail to
Sinema Transtopia

Address: Sinema Transtopia, Lindower Str. 20/22 Haus C, 13347 Berlin
Directions: U/S Wedding, drop off by cab possible
Parking: No parking available
Access to the building:
Main entrance not accessible
Accessible side entrance across the terrace (on the right), signposted as "Second Entrance". Elevated doorstep, mobile ramp available
Door doesn't open automatically
Access to the screening rooms:
Level access to the screening room but one step in front of the seats, mobile ramp available by request
Number of wheelchair spaces:
2 wheelchair spaces, first row on the right, 1 seat for assistance next to wheelchair spaces, 1 seat for assistance right behind
Toilets only partly accessible, level access via foyer
The door has a minimum passage width of 90 cm, the door does not open automatically, and it opens inward. It is equipped with foldable support handrails, and the sink is wheelchair accessible. Soap dispenser and paper towels are accessible while seated, no alarm button available
All Gender Toilet available
Contact: The staff on site is briefed and will be happy to help you. For information via telephone please contact +49 30 25920950 (daily 9 am to 6 pm) or send an e-mail to
Stage Bluemax Theater

Address: Marlene-Dietrich-Platz 4, 10785 Berlin
Directions: S / U Potsdamer Platz, no drop-off by cab possible: Access is possible up to Schellingstraße or Brüder-Grimm-Gasse, then through The Playce to the accessible entrance of the Stage Bluemax Theater
Parking: Paid underground parking: Potsdamer Platz - Ludwig-Beck-Straße (from there, take the elevator to street level)
Access to the building: The upper floor is accessible via an accessible entrance with an elevator (directly to the right of the main entrance on Eichbornstraße).
There is no automatic door to the elevator; it is manually opened by an authorized person. If this elevator is used, a bridge approximately 10 meters high (with glass walls) must be crossed. If you are afraid of heights, please inform the staff at the entrance, and an alternative access will be provided.
Access to the screening rooms: The stairs to and within the screening room are challenging for individuals with mobility impairments. They are advised to contact the cinema staff to also be able to use the elevator.
Number of wheelchair spaces: 4 wheelchair spaces on the fifth floor
Toilets: An accessible toilet is available on both the 3rd and 4th floors, accessible without a key. There are no automatic doors. The maneuvering space inside the bathroom is 120 x 120 cm, and the maneuvering space inside the toilet stall is 160 x 180 cm.
Support Handles: foladable support handle on right-hand side. The mirror is visible when seated, the sink is wheel chair accessible, soap dispenser and paper towels are accessible while seated. Alarm button available.
Contact: The staff on site is briefed and will be happy to help you. For information via telephone please contact +49 30 25920950 (daily 9 am to 6 pm) or send an e-mail to
Thalia - Das Programmkino

Address: Rudolf-Breitscheid-Str. 50, 14482 Potsdam (Babelsberg)
Directions: S Babelsberg
Parking: No parking available
Access to the building: he main entrance is accessible via a permanently installed ramp, the door doesn't open automatically
Access to the screening rooms: Level access
Number of wheelchair spaces: 1 wheelchair space
Toilets: The door has a minimum passage width of 90 cm, the door does not open automatically, and it opens outward. The support handrails are not foldable, the sink is wheelchair accessible, and the soap dispenser, paper towels, etc., are reachable while seated. An alarm button is available.
No All Gender Toilets
Contact: The staff on site is briefed and will be happy to help you. For information via telephone please contact +49 30 25920950 (daily 9 am to 6 pm) or send an e-mail to
Uber Eats Music Hall

Address: Uber Eats Music Hall, Mercedes-Platz 2, 10243 Berlin
S/U Warschauer Straße, 650m distance from building
Drop off by cab in Mühlenstraße possible, 80m distance from building
Parking: 51 designated parking spaces are available in the Plaza underground parking garage, accessible via the elevator from Uber-Platz (formerly Mercedes-Platz).
Access to the building:
Level access to foyer via Uber-Platz, elevator to first floor (stalls) and third floor (1st Circle and gastronomy)
Access to the screening rooms: Accessible: first floor (stalls) and third floor (1st Circle and gastronomy)
Accessible doors: Passage width of at least 90 cm, doors open automatically; if not, the doors are operated by staff. The door opening control is at a maximum height of 85 cm.
Accessible elevators: Access width of 120 cm, elevator cabin dimensions 220 cm x 120 cm, control elements at a maximum height of 85 cm, medium-sized elevator buttons, red backlighting, high contrast, tactile but without Braille, with audio announcements, and an emergency intercom system with audible feedback.
Number of wheelchair spaces: 16 wheelchair spaces (all located in the front right of the screening room, with one companion seat reserved next to each)
Accessible, clearly marked toilets are available on the first, third, and fourth floors. The door has a minimum passage width of 90 cm, doesn't open automatically but smoothly, and the door opens outward. The maneuvering space in front of the toilet and sink is at least 150 cm x 150 cm, with 90 cm of space on both the left and right of the toilet for wheelchair access. Foldable support handrails are available on both sides of the toilet, the sink is wheelchair accessible, and the soap dispenser, paper towels, etc., are reachable while seated. Alarm button available.
All Gender Toilets on fourth floor
Early Boarding: Early Boarding available.
Contact: The staff on site is briefed and will be happy to help you. For information via telephone please contact +49 30 25920950 (daily 9 am to 6 pm) or send an e-mail to

Address: An der Urania 17, 10787 Berlin
Directions: U Wittenbergplatz / U Nollendorfplatz
Bus 106, 187, M19, M29, M46, N1, N2, N26 An der Urania, the path from the bus stop to the building is accessible
Drop off by cab possible
Parking: 1 accessible parking space in the Urania parking lot (entrance via Kleiststraße 13), with access to Urania via the rear entrance. There is no automatically opening door.
Access to the building: The main entrance is accessible, the door doesn't open automatically. The staff at the entrance is visible and available to assist if needed. The side entrance is not accessible.
Access to the screening rooms: First, take the elevator to the 1st floor (elevator dimensions: width 95 cm x depth 132 cm), no audible floor announcements. Behind the screening room doors on the 1st floor, another elevator leads into the screening room. This elevator can only be operated by the staff. Please inform the staff.
Number of wheelchair spaces: 4 wheelchair spaces
Toilets: There is an accessible toilet on the ground floor, accessible only with a key. Please ask the staff for assistance. There is no automatic door, but staff can help. The maneuvering space in front of the toilet is 160 x 180 cm. Support handrails are available on the left and right of the toilet – the right handrail is foldable. An alarm button is available. The sink is partially wheelchair accessible. The mirror is not visible when seated.
Contact: The staff on site is briefed and will be happy to help you. For information via telephone please contact +49 30 25920950 (daily 9 am to 6 pm) or send an e-mail to
Wolf Kino

Address: Weserstrasse 59, 12045 Berlin Neukölln
Directions: U Rathaus Neukölln, drop off by cab possible
Parking: No parking available, public parking spaces are available in the nearby area
Access to the building: The main entrance is accessible via a permanently installed ramp, the door doesn't open automatically. The ramp is slightly uneven.
Access to the screening rooms: Level access
Number of wheelchair spaces:
Screening room 1: 1 wheelchair space
Screening room 2: no wheelchair space
Toilets: The toilet is located to the right past the counter. The door has a minimum width of 90 cm and is a sliding door with no automatic opening. The support handrails on the right are fixed, and the ones on the left are foldable. The sink is wheelchair accessible, and the soap dispenser, paper towels, etc., are reachable while seated. There is no alarm button.
No All Gender Toilets
Contact: The staff on site is briefed and will be happy to help you. For information via telephone please contact +49 30 25920950 (daily 9 am to 6 pm) or send an e-mail to

Address: Zeiss-Großplanetarium, Prenzlauer Allee 80, 10405 Berlin
Directions: S41, S42, S8, S85 S Prenzlauer Allee
Drop off by cab only partially possible, from Prenzlauer Allee, it is about 200 meters along a paved path to the cinema.
Parking: No accessible parking availabe, public parking at Diesterwegstraße and in neighbourhood
Access to the building: The main entrance is partially accessible, via a fixed ramp (approximately 10 meters long, paved). The foyer contains the ticket counter, bar, and restrooms, but there is no direct accessible access to the screening room from there. Access to the hall is only possible through a side entrance. The passage width is at least 90 cm, the door doesn't open automatically.
Access to the screening rooms: Accessible access to the screening room is only possible through the emergency exit to the left of the main entrance. Please inform the staff at the ticket counter in the foyer. Both ticket and cinema staff have a key to open the hall access.
Number of wheelchair spaces: 2 wheelchair spaces
Toilets: A partially accessible toilet is available in the foyer (accessible from the screening room only via the emergency exit, ramp to the foyer). The door has a minimum passage width of 90 cm, opens automatically and outward. The maneuvering space in front of the toilet and sink is at least 150 x 150 cm. Foldable support handrails are available on both the left and right of the toilet. The sink is wheelchair accessible, and the soap dispenser, paper towels, etc., are reachable while seated. An alarm button is available.
Contact: The staff on site is briefed and will be happy to help you. For information via telephone please contact +49 30 25920950 (daily 9 am to 6 pm) or send an e-mail to
Zoo Palast

Address: Zoo Palast, Hardenbergstr. 29A, 10623 Berlin
Directions S/U/Bus Zoologischer Garten, no drop off by cab possible
Parking: Accessible parking at parking garage at Zoo, 350 m distance to cinema
Access to the building: Level access
Accessible doors: The maneuvering space in front of the door is 150 cm x 150 cm, with no door thresholds. The passage width is at least 90 cm, and the door is easy to open.
Access to the screening rooms:
Saal 1: Level access by elevator, staff assistance required, security is briefed.
Accessible elevators: The maneuvering space in front of the elevators is 150 cm x 150 cm. The elevator cabin measures 95 cm x 170 cm (Note: no minimum width of 110 cm!). The access width is at least 90 cm, with control elements at a maximum height of 85 cm. The elevator buttons are large and highly contrasting.
Saal 2: Level access
Number of wheelchair spaces:
Saal 1: 8 wheelchair spaces
Saal 2: 1 wheelchair space
Accessible toilets are located in the entrance foyer on the right, at ground level, and are easily accessible without a key, with clear signage. The door has a minimum passage width of 90 cm, and it opens easily or automatically, with no inward-opening door. The maneuvering space in front of the toilet and sink is at least 150 cm x 150 cm. There is 90 cm of space on both the left and right of the toilet for wheelchair access, with foldable support handrails on both sides of the toilet. The sink is wheelchair accessible. The soap dispenser, paper towels, etc., are reachable while seated, and an alarm button is available.
No All Gender Toilets
Contact: The staff on site is briefed and will be happy to help you. For information via telephone please contact +49 30 25920950 (daily 9 am to 6 pm) or send an e-mail to