Notre corps

Our Body
A teenager is sitting in the doctor’s consultation room, the camera films her from behind so that she remains anonymous. She tells the doctor how she got pregnant. Her boyfriend had assured her he would take care. Now she has to make a difficult decision. You can feel her anguish in every sentence she utters. And there’s no sign of the boyfriend.
This is one of the the first scenes in Claire Simon’s impressive documentary Notre corps. With a gaze full of tenderness, the French director looks around a gynaecology clinic in Paris, collecting scenes of births and cancer diagnoses, consultations on endometriosis and hormone therapy for an older trans woman. The film that emerges along the way starts off observational before becoming ever more personal, a film about what it means to live in a female body and a wonderful example of the power of documentary cinema. Notre corps gathers together experiences with which one usually feels left alone; it makes the structures visible that deem troubles individual; it reveals the extent to which the things we don’t dare to talk about have a societal dimension and need to be discussed.
by Claire Simon France 2023 English, French, Spanish 168' Colour World premiere | Documentary Form


Director Claire Simon
Cinematography Claire Simon
Editing Luc Forveille
Sound Flavia Cordey
Production Manager Aude Cathelin
Producer Kristina Larsen

Produced by

Madison Films

Claire Simon

Born in London. She first worked as an editor, and then shot several short films and documentaries before making her first feature film, Sinon, oui, in 1997. In addition to working as a director and screenwriter, Claire Simon is a cinematographer and actress.


1976 Madeleine 1980 Tandis que j’agonise 1988 La police 1989 Les patients; 75 min. · Les patients 1991 Scènes de menage · Scènes de ménage; 40 min. 1992 Artiste peintre · Récréations 1993 Faits divers 1995 Coûte que coûte (At All Costs); 95 min. 1997 Sinon, oui (A Foreign Body); 115 min. 1995 Coûte que coûte 1997 Sinon, oui (A Foreign Body) 1998 Récréations; 54 min. 1999 Ça c’est vraiment toi; 122 min. · Ça c’est vraiment toi 2000 800 Kilomètres de différence (Romance); 78 min. · 800 Kilomètres de différence (Romance) 2002 Mimi; Berlinale Forum, 107 min. · Mimi 2006 Ça brûle (On Fire); 111 min. · Ça brûle 2008 Les bureaux de Dieu (God's Offices); 122 min. · Les Bureaux de Dieu 2013 Géographie humaine · Géographie humaine (Human Geography); 101 min. · Gare du Nord; 119 min. · Gare du Nord 2015 Le Bois dont les rêves sont faits · Le bois dont les rêves sont faits (The Woods Dreams Are Made of); 144 min. 2016 Le Concours · Le concours (The Competition); 121 min. 2018 Premières solitudes (Young Solitude) · Premières solitudes (Young Solitude); Berlinale Forum, 100 min. 2019 Le village – Première saison; 280 min. · Le village – Saison deux; 255 min. 2020 Le fils de l'épicière, le maire, le village et le monde (The Grocer's Son, the Mayor, the Village and the World); 111 min. 2021 Vous ne désirez que moi (I Want to Talk About Duras); 95 min. 2023 Notre corps (Our Body); 168 min.

Bio- & filmography as of Berlinale 2023