Archive Contents

Deutsche Kinemathek - © Heinz Köster
The Berlinale Archive offers an extensive selection of films, images, videos and articles.
The following content can be found in the archive:
- Chronicles of the most significant events of every year since 1951
- All the films that received an award from an official jury between 1951 and 1982
- All the films in the Competition from 1982 onwards
- All the films in the Forum from 1982 onwards
- All the films in Panorama (1982-1985: Info-Schau) from 1982 onwards
- All the films in Generation (until 2006: Kinderfilmfest) from 1982 onwards
- All the films in the Retrospective from 1982 onwards
- All the films in the Homage from 1996, 2007 and 2008 and from 2010 onwards
- All the films in Perspektive Deutsches Kino from 2002 to 2023
- All the films in Berlinale Special from 2004 onwards
- All the films in Berlinale Shorts from 2008 onwards
- All the works in Forum Expanded from 2010 onwards (from 2006-2009 the works are listed under Forum)
- All the films in Berlinale Classics from 2013 onwards
- All the works in Berlinale Series from 2015 to 2023
- All the films in Encounters from 2020 to 2024
- All the films screened in Special Presentations from 1998 onwards
Photos and videos
- Festival and press photos from 1951 onwards
- Star Portraits from 2000 and from 2002 onwards
- Videos of festival highlights, Galas, Opening & Award Ceremonies, Photo Calls and Press Conferences, Red Carpets, interviews with filmmakers and topical clips from 1991 onwards
Awards and Juries
- All the films and people that have received an award from an official jury or an honorary award from the Berlinale since 1951
- The members of all the juries from 1951 onwards which have presided over the awarding of the official Berlinale prizes
Berlinale Topics
- Interviews with the section heads and articles on the topical focuses of the festival from 2004 onwards
Press Releases and News
- All the festival’s announcements from 2001 onwards