Ezi un lielpilseta | Hedgehogs and the City | Die Igel und die Stadt by Ēvalds Lācis
LVA 2012, Generation

Ezi un lielpilseta | Hedgehogs and the City | Die Igel und die Stadt by Ēvalds Lācis
LVA 2012, Generation

Ezi un lielpilseta | Hedgehogs and the City | Die Igel und die Stadt by Ēvalds Lācis
LVA 2012, Generation
Additional information

Special Mention and Grand Prix
Reinis Kalnaellis and his wife with the two certificates of the Special Mentions for Ezi un lielpilseta by both juries - the Children´s Jury as well as the Generation Kplus International Jury - together with producer Alise Gelze and director Jānis Nords of the winning film Mammu, es Tevi mīlu.
Ezi un lielpilseta · Generation · Children's Jury · Grand Prix of the Generation Kplus International Jury for the Best Film · Feb 16, 2013