
Noah has not seen or been in touch with his father for ten years. When his father dies he makes the 4,000 kilometre journey from Germany to bury him at the foot of Mount Ararat. His gentle brother still lives in his father’s village. He leads a less-than-happy married existence with his energetic wife, who thinks of her husband as a weakling. Noah, the German, tries to mediate. But where exactly will they lead, these best intentions of a man who left his village so long ago and who has all but forgotten his language and traditions? Noah has cut himself off from his roots and yet even he, reluctantly or perhaps subconsciously, can sense that some indeterminate part of this long-forgotten world still stirs within him. Is this his legendary second chance that he is about to throw away – the second chance bestowed on humankind by God when Noah’s ark landed on Ararat?
by Engin Kundag
with Pinar Erincin, Claudio Schulz-Keune, Erdal Kacar
Germany 2012 27'

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