Photo Boulevard
The festival photographers 2024 are: Ali Ghandtschi, Dirk Michael Deckbar, Richard Hübner, Alexander Janetzko and Sandra Weller for the Competition and Berlinale Special as well as for galas | Dirk Michael Deckbar for Encounters | Diego Castro for the Berlinale Shorts | Ronny Heine, Stefanie Schmid Rincon and Brigitte Dummer in Panorama | Dario Lehner for the Forum | Leo Hugendubel for the Forum Expanded | Max Kullmann and Schore Mehrdju for Generation | Erik Weiss for Retrospective and Berlinale Classics | Peter Kreibich and Moritz Michal for Berlinale Goes Kiez | Peter Himsel and Jack Hare for Berlinale Talents.