The Wrong Movie

This film might be the final chapter of a story we’re all part of. A chamber piece set in a US city. Keren Cytter reveals her ensemble very slowly: young people loosely connected to each other and yet existentially linked. Trying to understand themselves and others. Money is a problem, to say nothing of life. Uniqueness. Everyone is carrying some sort of burden: Angel an old flame, Timur drugs, Nicole the ashes of her dead father (in her shopper bag). Death leaves behind traces, filth, reality. Beliefs pop up alongside shortcomings: “You’re too white.” In constantly shifting relationship constellations, they wear their intense feelings on their sleeves, get wrapped up in each other and fall into magnificent loops of dialogue. And yet every attempt at intimacy leads to another moment of helplessness. “It’s a vacuum cleaner. Do you wanna fuck me?” – “No.” Within all this somnambulant swerving, technological gadgets point to the future. The close and the distant, identity are easier to negotiate online for digital natives – and to market. A cleverly constructed tragedy about chilling, with fantastic synth sounds and one of the best uses of a drone in cinema history.
by Keren Cytter
with Laura Hajek, Ashby Bland, Elijah Lajmer, Jordan Raf, Edward Baker, John Verdil, Devery Doleman, Bobby Menuez, Suchan Kinoshita
USA / Belgium 2024 English 96' Colour World premiere


  • Laura Hajek
  • Ashby Bland
  • Elijah Lajmer
  • Jordan Raf
  • Edward Baker
  • John Verdil
  • Devery Doleman
  • Bobby Menuez
  • Suchan Kinoshita


Director Keren Cytter
Screenplay Keren Cytter
Cinematography Alex Huggins
Editing Keren Cytter
Music Dan Bodan
Sound Design Nathaniel Korb
Sound Louis Miller
Producer Georgica Pettus, Keren Cytter

A.P.E Art Projects Era

Keren Cytter

Keren Cytter studied at the Avni Institute for Art in Tel Aviv, she currently lives in New York. She is known for her video works, theatrical pieces and drawings. In 2012, she founded the D.I.E NOW (Dance International Europe Now) dance company. She has also written five novels and three children’s books. Her works have been displayed in major museums around the world. In 2021, Keren Cytter was awarded the Guggenheim Fellowship.

Filmography (selection)

2014 Rose Garden; short film · Siren; short film · Ocean; short film 2015 Game; short film · Metamorphosis; short film 2016 Object; short film · Middle of Beyond 2017 Des trous (Holes); short film 2018 Killing Time Machine; short film 2019 Onanism; short film · Fashions 2020 Life Number 3; short film 2021 Bad Words; short film 2023 Psychotherapist; short film · Hot Lava Night; short film 2024 The Wrong Movie

Bio- & filmography as of Berlinale 2024