
Mangosteen tells the story of Earth, a young man who returns to his hometown, Rayong, where his sister, Ink, runs a fruit processing factory. During a casual meeting, Earth finds out that his definition of the term “future” is drastically different from his sister’s. The more he tries to involve himself in the fruit juice business, the less he feels needed there. Earth eventually decides to distance himself from the family operation and resumes his old hobby, writing a violent, psychic, irrational, abstract, gory, and unrealistic novel.
Switching narrative directions as well as languages, Mangosteen weaves a meandering path through factory floors and orchards. The film was shot on outdated Digital8 video cameras and follows no clear narrative logic. It is a film as much about storytelling as it is about its protagonist’s erratic and surprising idiosyncrasies.
by Tulapop Saenjaroen
with Saksit Khunkitti, Prae Pupityastaporn, Sathit Sattarasart, Deunchai Yomphakdi, Saowalak Praboonpeng, Prakarn Rattanachamnong
Thailand 2022 German, Thai 40’ Colour International premiere


  • Saksit Khunkitti (Earth)
  • Prae Pupityastaporn (Ink)
  • Sathit Sattarasart (Male Factory Worker)
  • Deunchai Yomphakdi (Fruit Picker)
  • Saowalak Praboonpeng (Factory Staff)
  • Prakarn Rattanachamnong (Narrator)


Director Tulapop Saenjaroen
Screenplay Tulapop Saenjaroen
Cinematography Parinee Buthrasri
Editing Tulapop Saenjaroen
Music Liew Niyomkarn
Sound Design Chalermrat Kaweewattana
Sound Wisawa Jiaue
Production Design Phattarapon Meejarean
Costumes Noramon Wanichkamolnant
Assistant Director Chanasorn Chaikittiporn
Production Manager Saowalak Praboonpeng
Producer Nattaphan Yamkhaekhai
Co-Producer Saowalak Praboonpeng

World Sales

Electric Eel Films

Produced by

Nuttaphan Yamkhaekhai

Tulapop Saenjaroen

Tulapop Saenjaroen is an artist and filmmaker whose practice encompasses performance, video and film. His recent shorts interrogate the correlations between image production and production of subjectivity as well as the paradoxes intertwining control and freedom in late capitalism. Saenjaroen’s works have been shown in film festivals, screenings, exhibitions, internationally including Locarno Film Festival; IFFR, Rotterdam; DOK Leipzig; Images Festival, Toronto; International Short Film Festival Oberhausen. Saenjaroen also co-founded the experimental film and media screening series “Rapid Eye Movement” in Bangkok.


2018 A Room with a Coconut View; 29 min. 2020 People on Sunday; 21 min. 2021 Squish!; 14 min. · Notes from the Periphery; 14 min. 2022 Mangosteen

Bio- & filmography as of Berlinale 2023