La reine des renards
The Queen of the Foxes | Die Fuchskönigin

La reine des renards | The Queen of the Foxes | Die Fuchskönigin by Marina Rosset
CHE 2022, Generation
© Marina Rosset

La reine des renards | The Queen of the Foxes | Die Fuchskönigin by Marina Rosset
CHE 2022, Generation
© Marina Rosset

La reine des renards | The Queen of the Foxes | Die Fuchskönigin by Marina Rosset
CHE 2022, Generation
© Marina Rosset
- Marina Rosset (Narrator)
- Mélia Roger (Foxes)
- Hannah Adriana Müller (Singing)
Written and Directed by | Marina Rosset |
Animation | Marina Rosset |
Editing | Marina Rosset |
Music | Rahel Zimmermann |
Sound Design | Peter Bräker |
Sound Mixing | Denis Séchaud |
Producer | Marina Rosset |
Produced by
Marina Rosset Productions
Marina Rosset

Born in Lausanne, Switzerland in 1984, she studied animation at the ENSAV La Cambre in Brussels and at the Lucerne School of Art and Design. Since graduating in 2007, she has been making short animation films. She also works as a film editor and an illustrator.
Filmography (short films)
2005 Après le chat (After the Cat) 2007 Botteoubateau (Bottoobahtoh) 2008 La main de l’ours (The Bear’s Hand) 2010 Last Minute; co-director: Spela Cadez · Laterarius 2013 La fille aux feuilles (The Girl with the Leaves) 2022 La reine des renards (The Queen of the Foxes)
Bio- & filmography as of Berlinale 2022