Deutschland, bleiche Mutter
Germany, Pale Mother

Anna Sanders, Eva Mattes
Deutschland, bleiche Mutter | Germany, Pale Mother by Helma Sanders-Brahms
DEU 1980, Berlinale Classics
Source: Deutsche Kinemathek, Berlin

Eva Mattes, Anna Sanders
Deutschland, bleiche Mutter | Germany, Pale Mother by Helma Sanders-Brahms
DEU 1980, Berlinale Classics
Source: Helma Sanders GmbH

Eva Mattes, Anna Sanders
Deutschland, bleiche Mutter | Germany, Pale Mother by Helma Sanders-Brahms
DEU 1980, Berlinale Classics
Source: Helma Sanders GmbH

Am Set: Eva Mattes, Anna Sanders, Helma Sanders-Brahms
Deutschland, bleiche Mutter | Germany, Pale Mother by Helma Sanders-Brahms
DEU 1980, Berlinale Classics
Source: Helma Sanders GmbH
Additional information

Helma Sanders-Brahms
The director of the film from 1980.
Deutschland, bleiche Mutter · Berlinale Classics · Feb 08, 2014

Sanford Lieberson
He presented the film with Helma Sanders-Brahms.
Deutschland, bleiche Mutter · Berlinale Classics · Feb 08, 2014

Jürgen Jürges, Helma Sanders-Brahms, Rainer Rother
The cinematographer and the director with the section head.
Deutschland, bleiche Mutter · Berlinale Classics · Feb 08, 2014

Rainer Rother, Sanford Lieberson
On stage at the International.
Deutschland, bleiche Mutter · Berlinale Classics · Feb 08, 2014

Jürgen Jürges, Helma Sanders-Brahms, Anna Sanders, Eva Mattes
The cinematographer and the director with two of the actors.
Deutschland, bleiche Mutter · Berlinale Classics · Feb 08, 2014

Eva Mattes, Helma Sanders-Brahms
Standing ovation at the premiere of the digital restored original version of the film.
Deutschland, bleiche Mutter · Berlinale Classics · Feb 08, 2014