For Ellen

Rock star Joby Taylor has never played a role in the life of his six-year-old daughter. Yet if he signs the divorce papers, he will be denied any future contact with her. Taylor realises that he is not yet ready to say goodbye to this part of his life. But it could be that the time for a reunion has long since passed.
Again and again Joby finds himself in his car, driving through a vast snow-covered landscape. This boundless white expanse becomes a screen on to which his uncertain emotional state is projected as he sets off on a journey into a past that never actually happened. As in her previous film TREELESS MOUNTAIN, US-based director So Yong Kim tells the story of a family struggling to find its way. Once again, she follows her hero rather than simply telling a story about his life, getting all the closer to him in the process. When the rock musician dances by himself in a backwoods bar, his narcissism and forlornness intertwine. When he finally meets his daughter, he is just as restrained and intimidated as she is. For a brief, yet beautiful moment, the film allows the two of them to simply be together.
by So Yong Kim
with Paul Dano, Jena Malone, Jon Heder
USA 2012 94'

World Sales

Memento Films International

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