
Invincible Love
Three young people in 1930s Berlin. Magdalena and Michael are in love. The third, Jürgen, has come to terms with the Nazis, whereas Michael and Magdalena want to resist. During the war Michael is sentenced to a Penal Battalion. On the front he meets Jürgen and both decide to defect to the Red Army, which Magdalena has already joined … taking its cue from Soviet cinema of the Thaw, the sophisticated montage sequences and stylised composition of INVINCIBLE LOVE are in stark contrast to other DEFA productions. “Armin Mueller-Stahl’s Michael is both powerful yet completely relaxed.” (Neue Zeit, 24.6.1962)
by Frank Beyer
with Armin Mueller-Stahl, Annekathrin Bürger, Ulrich Thein
German Democratic Republic 1961/62 89’

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