Unter Kontrolle
Under Control
© Sattel/Stefanescu 2010

Forschungsreaktor (FR 2) des ehemaligen Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (heute KIT) , Schalttafel auf der Leitwarte, 1961 bis 1981 in Betrieb
Unter Kontrolle | Under Control by Volker Sattel
DEU 2011, Forum
© Sattel/Stefanescu 2010

Volker Sattel
Unter Kontrolle | Under Control by Volker Sattel
DEU 2011, Forum

Kühlturm des „Schnellen Brüters“ Kalkar, die Inbetriebnahme des teuersten KKW der BRD wurde 1991 aufgegeben. Seit Ende der 90er Freizeitpark ("Wunderland Kalkar") | Swing carousel in the cooling tower of the “Schneller Brüter” (fast breeder reactor) in Kalkar, that never went into nuclear service. Germany’s most expensive industrial ruin nowadays is an amusement park.
Unter Kontrolle | Under Control by Volker Sattel
DEU 2011, Forum
© Sattel/Stefanescu 2010
A tour of different places related to the nuclear industry in Germany and Austria: active and disused nuclear power stations, training facilities, the International Atomic Energy Agency, an institute for risk research, the Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology, a permanent repository for radioactive waste, as well as research centers. A filmic contribution to contemporary industrial and technological history. The images are breathtaking: A fuel rod is slowly accompanied by the camera. Countless brightly blinking lights on the control room panels like in the cockpit of a spaceship. A long journey into the depths of a storage shaft. A giant vertical swing in the cooling tower of the fast breeder reactor in Kalkar, which never went into operation. Monumental domes and desolate ruins. Images that bear witness to fascination and menace, tragedy and risk in equal measure; that demonstrate the monstrous technology and the utopian project. Images that are a cross between science fiction and an industrial film. Carefully composed and framed in Cinemascope. An idiosyncratic examination of a dangerous technology, an insight into a hermetic world – and most of all a film about the aesthetics of one of the 20th century’s technologies and its buildings.
Additional information

Tim Elzer, Stefan Krumbiegel, Stefan Stefanescu, Volker Sattel, Stefanie Gaus
The director and his crew in front of the premiere cinema.
Unter Kontrolle · Forum · Feb 11, 2011