Krótki film o zabijaniu

A Short Film about Killing | Ein kurzer Film über das Töten
20-year-old Jacek wanders aimlessly through the streets of Warsaw, looks at a cinema placard, watches someone sketching a little girl in Castle Square. In an almost disinterested way, he drops a stone from a bridge on to the road below - the sound of shattering glass, screeching brakes and the excited honking of car horns can be heard. Jacek roams on through the city. He then gets into a taxi and directs the driver out of Warsaw. As they pass along a road completely devoid of human life, the young man suddenly puts a noose around the driver’s neck and tries to strangle him. This turns out to be more difficult than expected. Jacek then yanks his victim out of the vehicle and strikes him dead with a stone. The second part of the film accompanies a law graduate in his efforts as Jacek’s assigned legal counsel. He tries to prevent his client from being given the death penalty, but in vain – the legal situation is too clear-cut. The executioner makes his preparations, the witnesses for the execution arrive and Jacek’s life is duly ended by hanging.

by Krzysztof Kieslowski
with Miroslaw Baka, Krzysztof Globisz, Krystyna Janda
Poland 1988 84’ recommendation: 16 years and up

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