
Moshe is at his wit’s end. All of the modest projects he has been working on in New York just don’t do the trick any more. Twenty years ago, Moshe was a moderately successful novelist in Israel. Much to his disappointment his work did not find the acclaim he believed it deserved. And when his son was born he began to succumb to the feeling of being caught in a trap. Disappointed, he left the country for America in search of fame and fortune. He never gave a single thought to what he was leaving behind.
Tzach is a soldier in an elite unit of the Israeli Army. He is a daredevil, who deliberately takes risks – as if there were some inner wound he needed to overcome. And then, one day, his mother dies, and the young man who grew up without a father discovers among his mother’s papers the address of the man who gave him life. All at once, the anger that has simmered inside during all those years breaks out, and Tzach decides to contact him.
Tzach makes contact, and this changes Moshe’s life completely. Suddenly, an entire existence founded on denial of the past is derailed. From this point on father and son are on a collision course – not just with their own fate; a confrontation between them also looms large. Mosche is forced to learn that he cannot escape the sins of the past, no matter how hard he tries.
by Amos Kollek
with Moshe Ivgy, Ran Danker, Karen Young, Phyllis Sommerville
Israel / Germany / Canada / France / Belgium 2007 100’

World Sales

Bavaria Film International

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