Set 19 years after a nuclear holocaust, London is now the capital of Oceania, subject to the dictatorial regime of the Party. Winston Smith works for the Ministry of Truth, while harbouring thoughts of opposition to “Big Brother”. He finds a kindred spirit in his colleague Julia. Despite a ban on sex, the two begin a relationship. They believe that Winston’s supervisor, General O’Connor, is secretly part of a group plotting to overthrow the Party, so they reveal themselves to him ... This first film version of the best-known dystopian novel in the world consciously paints a quotidian picture of the all-encompassing horror. Indeed, the film opens with a title telling us that “This is a story of the future – not the future of space ships and men from other planets – but the immediate future”. The only thing that signals technological advance in the shabby old buildings set amidst expanses of ruins are the omnipresent “camera eyes”. Outside, in the public spaces, the gigantic TV screens serve the same purpose. By contrast, the parades of fanatic masses, the house searches by the Thought Police and a show trial are all clear expressions of George Orwell’s treatment of the fascist and Stalinist systems of rule.
by Michael Anderson
with Edmond O’Brien, Michael Redgrave, Jan Sterling, David Kossoff, Mervyn Johns, Donald Pleasence, Carol Wolveridge
United Kingdom / USA 1956 English 90' Black/White Rating R12


  • Edmond O’Brien
  • Michael Redgrave
  • Jan Sterling
  • David Kossoff
  • Mervyn Johns
  • Donald Pleasence
  • Carol Wolveridge


Director Michael Anderson
Screenplay William P. Templeton, Ralph Bettinson adapted from the novel “1984” by George Orwell
Cinematography C. Pennington Richards
Editing Bill Lewthwaite
Music Malcolm Arnold
Sound Harold King
Special Effects Bryan Langley, George Blackwell, Norman Warwick
Art Director Terence Verity
Costumes Barbara Gray
Make-Up L. V. Clark
Producer N. Peter Rathvon

Produced by

Holiday Films, Inc.

Additional information

Copy: Sony Pictures Entertainment, Culver City, CA