Sonnabend, Sonntag, Montagfrüh

Saturday, Sunday, and Monday Morning
The parish of Karwe near Neuruppin (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern): Detlef Reeck (“Detti”), Michael Steinbrenner (“Eilu”), Michael Domke (“Fletscher”) and Mario Kühn all live here, typical East German teenagers looking for their place in life. They are doing an apprenticeship at a slaughterhouse, working as roofers or on the production line there. The film accompanies them over three days. On Saturday afternoon, the friends all gather in a pub and at 6 pm the disco starts in the hall next door. From the state-employed waiters in their slimy uniforms serving cheap beer, the floral patterns on the curtains and wallpaper, the young people with their greasy, grown-out hair, fat wallets and tail combs, to the music (only titles from the West of course) – scenes such as these are a genuine rarity, showing in an unforced way a section of society only seen fleetingly in DEFA features. This group portrait also extends to their personal lives (Sunday) and their place of work (Monday), thus rounding out a highly subtle portrait of the group.

by Hannes Schönemann German Democratic Republic 1979 44'

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