At the WCF Day 2019
The WCF Day is the think tank of the World Cinema Fund. During its events the latest technological and structural developments in the film industry are debated in talks about films, panels, and discussions.
February 13 from 10.30 am – 2.30 pm
In English
Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum für Film und Fernsehen, Potsdamer Str. 2, 4th floor
Introduction/Moderator: Vincenzo Bugno (Project Manager WCF)
Focus on Brazil: Tales, Poetry and Drama
Director’s Talk
The Tenderness of the Cowboy. About Lights, Bulls and Rodeos
Discussion with director Helvecio Marins Jr. about his WCF-funded film Querência (Homing, Forum 2019)
After the Political Earthquake
Reflecting on Brazilian cinema present and future – financing, funding institutions, content, and freedom of expression. Political and economic developments can radically influence production conditions in the film industry. What happens next in Brazil?
Participants: Andrea Barata Ribeiro (producer), Marcelo Gomes (director), Pedro Butcher (film critic, Valor Econômico), Sara Silveira (producer), Eduardo Valente (Berlinale delegate), Ana Letícia Fialho (Cinema do Brasil)

Focus on Brazil: Tales, Poetry and Drama - Panel (1/2)

Focus on Brazil: Tales, Poetry and Drama - Panel (2/2)
Speculations on Potential Funding for Audience Building and Design
WCF Strategy Talk
The Art of Reaching Audiences
Participants: Sarah Calderón (EAVE, the Film Agency), Mercedes Fernandez (TorinoFilmLab), Vanja Kaludjercic (MUBI), Verena von Stackelberg (Wolf Kino Berlin), Paul Rieth (Audience Strategist, Marketing & Crowdfunding Consultant)
Moderator: Isona Admetlla (WCF)
Visibility and marketing strategies aiming to connect future viewers, films, and filmmakers can be developed early on during production. The relationship between a film and the viewer does not just begin with the actual release of a film. A talk about global distribution strategies that cover all channels and the role of funding institutions

WCF Strategy Talk: The Art of Reaching Audiences (1/2)

WCF Strategy Talk: The Art of Reaching Audiences (2/2)
Cineuropa is proud to be Media Partner of the World Cinema Fund Day.
We thank the Robert Bosch Stiftung for supporting the WCF Day.