The World Cinema Fund invited friends of the WCF as well as members of the press and film industry to the WCF Africa Day on February 17, 2016.

Video der Panel-Diskussion: THE CHARM OF INNOVATION
Wednesday, February 17, from 10:30 am
Filmmuseum Berlin – Deutsche Kinemathek, Potsdamer Str. 2, 4th floor
The WCF Africa Day will be dedicated to discussing the memory, present and future of African films. What can we do at this point in time to provide contemporary support for the African film scene? We need new priorities. At issue are creating new cooperative ventures, fostering commitment from the European – including the German – film industry, developing new strategies that are both visionary and pragmatic, and making sure they produce long-term effects. At the event, the WCF will present pathbreaking initiatives and explore innovative cooperative models for the future.
Practicing pragmatism: steps for a concrete approach
(in English)
10.30 am: Welcome
Berlinale: Dieter Kosslick (Festival Director), Vincenzo Bugno (Project Manager WCF)
Federal Foreign Office: Dr Andreas Görgen (Director General of the Department for Culture and Communication)
German Federal Cultural Foundation: Dr Lutz Nitsche (Assistant to the Executive Board)
11:00 am: Project Pitching of Case Studies
African realities / Supporting memory, present, future of cinema
This is the Nest, Njoki Ngumi (Nairobi, Kenya);
Cine Guimbi, Bernie Goldblat (Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso);
Realness, Elias Ribeiro (Johannesburg, South Africa);
Visionary Archive / Africa, Didi Anni Cheeka and Stefanie Schulte Strathaus
12:00 noon: Keynote Speech
The analysis, Pedro Pimenta
12:30 pm: Panel Discussion: THE CHARM OF INNOVATION
Creating new strategies and spaces for the African Cinema / Re-inventing cooperation
With Alex Moussa Sawadogo (Afrikamera, Ouaga Lab, Germany, Burkina Faso), Tschoper Kabambi (Bimba Production, Congo RDC), Katarina Hedrén (FestivalCinemAfrica, South Africa), Jean Pierre Bekolo (Director, Cameroon), Dorothee Wenner (Berlinale Africa Delegate, Germany)
Panel moderator: Vincenzo Bugno (Berlinale World Cinema Fund)