The World Cinema Fund invited friends of the WCF as well as members of the press and film industry to the WCF Day on February 11, 2015.
Following the welcome two panel discussions took place.

Video of Panel 1 – Not only about cinema / Accepting the challenge
Dealing with Fundamentalism, tolerance, freedom of expression
When can art be regarded as opposition? When a breaking of taboo? When a moral violation? Who decides, and under what circumstances? Art as transgression: A (historical) cinematic and non-cinematic exploration.
With Viola Shafik (director, film academic / Egypt – Germany), Sepideh Farsi (director, Iran - France), Ala Al-Hamarneh (Center for Research on the Arab World CERAW, University Mainz, Jordan - Germany); Cristina Nord (film critic, Die Tageszeitung / Germany); Alin Öjeni Tasçiyan (film critic, Turkey)
Moderation: Vincenzo Bugno / Berlinale World Cinema Fund

Video Panel 2 – Priority: Distribution
Visibility of cinema from Latin America, Africa, Middle East and other regions in Europe and outside of Europe
How can the visibility of cultural and geographical diversity in film production be increased worldwide? Is additional networking and cooperation among committed distributors necessary?
With Mit Jan de Clercq (Lumière Films, Belgium), Alaa Karkouti (MAD Solutions, Egypt), Artur Liebhart (Planete + Docfilm Festival, Against Gravity, Poland), Leo Cordero (Mantarraya Distribución, Mexico)
Moderation: Vincenzo Bugno / Berlinale World Cinema Fund