Chico ventana también quisiera tener un submarino

Window Boy Would Also Like to Have a Submarine
On board a cruise ship in the seas off Patagonia, a crew member discovers a magical portal below deck leading to the apartment of a young woman in a South American city. At the same time, a group of men stumbles upon a concrete hut near their settlement in the Philippines, which frightens some of the villagers. Chico ventana también quisiera tener un submarino interweaves these two stories into a cinematographic labyrinth, in whose passageways and junctions people overlap and lose themselves just as their worlds do. Somewhere between dark engine rooms and middle-class living rooms, between the vastness of the sea and the dense tangle of the jungle, between more traditional and capitalist-modern ways of life, individuals meet and observe one another with curiosity, scepticism and anxiety. Alex Piperno is interested in precisely the moment just before the encounter – hesitant and on the threshold – and thus creates a cinema that is transitory through and through.
by Alex Piperno
with Daniel Quiroga, Inés Bortagaray, Noli Tobol
Uruguay / Argentina / Brazil / Netherlands / Philippines 2020 Spanish, Tuwali 85’ Colour


  • Daniel Quiroga (Chico ventana)
  • Inés Bortagaray (Elsa)
  • Noli Tobol (Noli)


Written and Directed by Alex Piperno
Cinematography Manuel Rebella
Editing Alex Piperno, Alejo Santos, Karen Akerman
Sound Design Pablo Lamar, Lucas Larriera
Sound Lucas Larriera
Production Design Daniela Calcagno
Costumes Alejandra Rosasco, Joane Sumbilon
Make-Up Giselle Lacuesta, Joane Sumbilon
Assistant Director Nicolás Purdía
Production Managers Lucía Moreira, Palmer Mitchel, Camille Reis, Everton Hermany, Joenel Canaria
Producer Alex Piperno
Executive Producers Esteban Lucangioli, Araquén Rodríguez, Alex Piperno, Rachel Ellis, Frank Hoeve
Co-Producers Esteban Lucangioli, Araquén Rodríguez, Rachel Ellis, Frank Hoeve, Armi Rae Cacanindin
Co-Production Pelicano cine Buenos Aires
Desvia Recife
Baldr Film Amsterdam
Cinematografica Manila

Produced by

La pobladora cine

Alex Piperno

Born in Montevideo, Uruguay in 1985. He studied Film Directing at the Universidad del Cine de Buenos Aires. In 2012 and 2013, he participated at Berlinale Talents. Following several short films, Chico ventana también quisiera tener un submarino is his first feature film.


2011 La inviolabilidad del domicilio se basa en el hombre que aparece empuñando un hacha en la puerta de su casa (The Inviolability of the Domicile Is Based on the Man Who Appears Wielding an Ax at the Door of His House); 7 min. 2016 Los cebúes (The Zebus); 15 min. · ¡Hola a los fiordos! (Hello to the Fjords!); 12 min. 2019 Lloren la locura perdida de estos campos (Weep the Headless Madness of These Fields); 15 min.

Bio- & filmography as of Berlinale 2020