Lien lien fung chen

Dust in the Wind
A young couple who move to the big city, the search for orientation in the grown-up world and frequent returns to the familiar terrain of childhood are at the centre of this film. At first life in Taipei seems to offer the promise of modest contentment for the couple, which finds work and lodgings in the back room of a cinema, where there are also pleasant get-togethers with people of their own age. Wan and Huen live together in silent agreement until he is called up for military service and she marries another man in his absence. In a brilliantly casual and laconic tone and yet with great sensitivity, this film tells of life's major and minor upheavals.
by Hou Hsiao Hsien
with Sin Shu-Fen, Wang Tsing-Wen, Lee Tien-Lu, Mei Fang
Taiwan 1986 109’