Nur für einen Augenblick

In the Blink of an Eye
Eye doctor Katrin is in the prime of life. Her concern for one of her patients brings her face to face with memories of her ex-boyfriend, a photographer and barkeeper named Tom. He is a bon vivant who lives life to the full and has a broad circle of friends; she is successful but emotionally bankrupt. The two wouldn’t appear to have much in common. Fascinated by him and his world, she allows herself to be drawn into his life again, just for a day. But what the two of them seem unable to admit is that they do indeed have something in common: they have both reached a point in life where they are looking for workable alternatives. It’s time to start afresh.
by Abel Lindner
with Katrin Wehlisch, Sebastian Rudolph, Antonio Wannek, Christian Ahlers
Germany 2009 25’

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