Written and directed by anime auteur Makoto Shinkai, this epic adventure takes us across the length and breadth of Japan, venturing outside metropolitan hubs to seek doors of disaster in the abandoned infrastructures of depopulated rural areas. As we follow this young woman in her frantic search, we realise that she is also engaged in a personal quest for maturity and freedom. An intimate portrait that is also a study of a vulnerable yet combative nation, Suzume is a sign of resilience at a time when Mother Earth is sending humankind evidence of her fury.
- Nanoka Hara (Suzume Iwato)
- Hokuto Matsumura (Souta Munakata)
- Eri Fukatsu (Tamaki Iwato)
- Shota Sometani (Minoru Okabe)
- Sairi Ito (Rumi Ninomiya)
- Kotone Hanase (Chika Amabe)
- Kana Hanazawa (Tsubame Iwato)
- Ryunosuke Kamiki (Tomoya Serizawa)
- Hakuo Matsumoto (Hitsujiro Munakata)
Director | Makoto Shinkai |
Screenplay | Makoto Shinkai |
Editing | Makoto Shinkai |
Character Design | Masayoshi Tanaka |
Animation Director | Kenichi Tsuchiya |
Music | Radwimps, Kazuma Jinnouchi |
Art Director | Takumi Tanji |
Production Manager | Tomohiro Tokunaga |
Producer | Genki Kawamura |
Co-Producers | Wakana Okamura, Kinue Ito |
Executive Producers | Noritaka Kawaguchi, Yoshihiro Furusawa |
Co-Production | Story Tokio |
World sales
Produced by
CoMix Wave Films
Makoto Shinkai
Born in the Japanese prefecture of Nagano in 1973, he made his directing debut in 2002 with his self-produced short film Voices of a Distant Star. His first feature film, The Place Promised in Our Early Days, won Best Animated Film at the 59th Mainichi Film Awards. His subsequent films also won several prizes at national and international festivals. In 2016, Your Name was a commercial and critical success, winning numerous international awards and going on to become the second-highest grossing Japanese film. His most recent film, Weathering With You, topped the box office in Japan in 2019.
2002 Hoshi no koe (Voices of a Distant Star) 2004 Kumo no mukou yakusoku no basho (The Place Promised in Our Early Days) 2007 Byosoku 5 senchimetoru (5 Centimeters Per Second) 2011 Hoshi wo ou kodomo (Children Who Chase Lost Voices) 2013 Kotonoha no niwa (The Garden of Words) 2016 Kimi no na wa (Your Name) 2019 Tenki no ko (Weathering With You) 2022 Suzume
Bio- & filmography as of Berlinale 2023