Ihre Majestät die Liebe
Her Majesty, Love
Source: Deutsche Kinemathek

Szöke Szakall
Ihre Majestät die Liebe | Her Majesty, Love by Joe May
DEU 1931, Retrospective
Source: Deutsche Kinemathek

Franz Lederer, Käthe von Nagy
Ihre Majestät die Liebe | Her Majesty, Love by Joe May
DEU 1931, Retrospective
Source: Deutsche Kinemathek

Käthe von Nagy
Ihre Majestät die Liebe | Her Majesty, Love by Joe May
DEU 1931, Retrospective
Source: Deutsche Kinemathek
To provoke his brother Othmar, the director of Wellingen motor works, charming playboy Fred von Wellingen gets engaged to barmaid Lia Török. But the company needs a fresh influx of money, so Othmar wants Fred to marry the wealthy Miss Lingenfeld, and promises to promote Fred to general manager in return for giving up Lia. Fred, who by this time is genuinely in love with the barmaid, reluctantly accepts the deal … The supporting actors are the stars in this tempestuous film operetta. In a mad dash to a surprise ending, a colourful chorus of song numbers, sketches, and artistic tomfoolery put those minor roles at the centre of attention – as filled by actors such as Ralph Arthur Roberts, Szöke Szakall, Otto Wallburg, and Adele Sandrock, who were an essential part of the rich pool of acting talent boasted by Weimar-era cinema. They inspired contemporary film critic Rudolf Arnheim to write his 1931 “accolade to bit parts”, in which he declared, “the supporting actor depicts a person as he really is, while the hero player depicts him as we would like him to be. The archetypes for supporting actors really exist, while those of the hero exist only in cosmetic industry advertising”.
- Käthe von Nagy
- Franz Lederer
- Otto Wallburg
- Szöke Szakall
- Ralph Arthur Roberts
- Gretl Theimer
- Alexandra Schmitt
- Adele Sandrock
- Kurt Gerron
- Paul Henckels
- Gerhard Bienert
Director | Joe May |
Screenplay | Adolf Lantz, Rudolf Bernauer, Rudolf Oesterreicher based on the script “Der Liebestango” by Rudolf Bernauer, Rudolf Oesterreicher |
Cinematography | Otto Kanturek |
Music | Walter Jurmann |
Music Supervisor | Willy Schmidt-Gentner |
Sound | Walter Tjaden |
Set Construction | Andrej Andrejew, Erich Kettelhut |
Make-Up | Heinrich Heitfeld |
Producer | Joe May |
Produced by
D.L.S. Deutsches Lichtspiel-Syndikat AG
Additional information
Film Print: Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv, Berlin