Der kleine Vogel und die Raupe

The Little Bird and the Caterpillar
The little bird has plenty of peace and quiet high up in its tree, at least until an unexpected guest shows up. The brash caterpillar’s keen on devouring the green leaves that the little bird has cared for so tenderly. During the ensuing showdown, the two fail to notice that someone else is hard on their heels, and this character’s craving a more savoury snack. Lena von Döhren’s chirping hero graces Generation screens for the third time.
by Lena von Döhren Switzerland 2017 4' Colour recommendation: 4 years and up


Written and Directed by Lena von Döhren
Animation Lena von Döhren, Nils Hedinger
Editing Fee Liechti
Sound Design Christof Steinmann
Assistant Director Raphael Beck
Producers Gerd Gockell, Ted Sieger, Jochen Ehmann
Co-Producer Gabriela Bloch Steinmann
Co-Production Schweizer Fernsehen SRF Zürich


Produced by


Lena von Döhren

Born in Berlin, Germany in 1981, she graduated in audiovisual communication from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam and then took a master’s degree in design at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Switzerland, majoring in animation. Her work has already featured in the Berlinale Generation section with The Little Bird and the Leaf in 2012, The Little Bird and the Squirrel in 2015 and The Little Bird and the Caterpillar in 2017.

Filmography (animated films)

2012 Der kleine Vogel und das Blatt (The Little Bird and the Leaf) 2014 Der kleine Vogel und das Eichhörnchen (The Little Bird and the Squirrel) 2017 Der kleine Vogel und die Raupe (The Little Bird and the Caterpillar) 2020 Der kleine Vogel und die Bienen (The little Bird and the Bees) · Der kleine Vogel und die Bienen (The Little Bird and the Bees) 2023 Tümpel (Pond); co-director: Eva Rust

Bio- & filmography as of Berlinale 2023